Welcome To
Dowsing With Soul
Self discovery, healing and awakening.
Are you wanting to free yourself, know yourself, be the best version of you “Now”?
To allow your true source essence to flow through your Body, Mind and Soul
To feel a sense of Joy, Wellbeing, Peace, Laughter, Love
To connect once again to your True Essence

We are here to guide and support you on your Journey of Life
We love sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others
We feel honoured to join people on their journey of self discovery, healing and awakening. To support you in basically feeling good! To find your own uplifting positive feelings, which will in turn have a great knock on effect in your life and others lives.
There are causes for lack of physical wellbeing, for negative thinking, negative beliefs, negative emotions, and horrible feelings. We aim to investigate and assist with changes at a core level, making sense of ill health, unease, blocks and restrictions. Change Happens.

You are Unique, We treat you as such.
We love searching for areas which show when you are out of alignment with your truth, enabling you to remember and awaken your multi-dimensional being, who you actually are and to remember love.
We facilitate you in focusing on – what you want from life, how You want to feel, how you want to be, with love, in truth and joy.
Please click on whichever area is for you now, and find out more details. We look forward to meeting with you.
– Lynn and Richard Osborne