Dowsing Energies in Houses & Land
- Prone to Fatigue and Ill Health?
- Having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep?
- Having treatments that don’t seem to bring lasting improvements?
- Feel uncomfortable in a particular part of your home?
- Can’t seem to sell your house?
- Your house doesn’t feel like a home?
- Think you may have ‘Sick Building Syndrome’
It could be that some form(s) of geopathic stress is/are present and your house energies could do with some help.
Many of my clients come from word of mouth recommendations and from therapists who recognise that their clients may need assistance to improve the energy of their home, in order to facilitate or maintain healing.
As part of my service I offer my ability to resonate the energy of particular qualities/feelings that you request. I normally ask for three words to describe how you want the place to feel and set these energies in place for you.
What Energies can be in a House or place?
There are many forms of energy that can be present in the environment and potentially affect people. From reports of Geopathic Stress and Sick Building Syndrome in my experience, I have come across and been able to resolve the following:

Energy lines
Naturally occurring energy lines arise from the earth and are present all over the earth. These can be manipulated to a degree by man’s influence but do originate naturally. There are many different techniques that have been developed for dealing with lines that are having a negative effect. Although possible to move these lines, they will tend to return to their original location. It is also possible to get them to skip a space by use of crystals for example. You can buy machines that will override certain scope of frequencies common on these lines. Copper rods can be used to ground the energies out of the space considered. But all these techniques deny their potentially positive effect for us as human beings who should be fully connected to the earth.
Earth energies are there to support us and assist our positive development and the earth also benefits from our positive interaction. The energies of the earth have changed over time as our own human energy system has developed, mutually supporting the expression and expansion of consciousness.
My method for healing these lines is to work with them, transforming them to a more harmonious frequency, similar to re-tuning a guitar so that the string resonates a pure note.
Hartmann and Curry grid lines
Regular spaced lines criss crossing the planet at intervals.
Where these intersect can give rise to unharmonious energy in that space for some people and are best avoided by moving bed locations for example.
Underground water lines
Some of these are termed black water lines as they seem to convey some sort of pollution or sickness in the water. A continuing flow in one direction can sometimes lead to the energies of the place being pulled in that direction to the detriment of stability and balance.
Electromagnetic variance
Ley lines
is a general term that can encompass a number of the following types of line.
Earth Energy lines
Spirit lines/routes
Spiral forms of earth energy
Other energetic forms:
Elemental Energies
These can be asked to move to more harmonious location if appropriate. I dowse direction and distance then focus on locations and link the two. I then ask the location going to if ok to receive and then ask energy if ok to go to that place. Holding focus on both locations I invite and witness the transportation of the elemental energy to rebalance both locations. It is also possible that excess elemental energies may need dispersing.
Nature Spirits
Energetic Residues
These may need healing through connection, understanding, bringing to awareness and processing, especially the emotional understanding and processing. Their transformed core light will need to transfer back to their originator or go to the universe.
Human residues and others can be emotional, mental, spiritual as well as physical. Residues often arise from a traumatic experience occurring in the place and leaving an imprint or memory.
Chakra centres
Guardian or spirit of place.
Fabric of the building
Man-made electromagnetic fields
Electrical wiring and transformers
Ghosts/ spirits
Structure generally
Negative human residues
Dimensional Portal

Pricing – between £35 – £120, depending on size of property, location, if clearing is needed etc
The house or place will also need to be checked for anything nearby that may be influencing from a distance. When dowsing, I also check if there is anything else, even if it has not been experienced before. In my experience, geopathic stress or sick building syndrome experiences can be solved.