Health & Wellbeing Dowsing

Health & Wellbeing Dowsing

Accessing the Bodies Information Field – Working with Causes to Create Change and Bring Out Your Goodness! In Person, via Video link, Remote

I was extremely fortunate to learn my dowsing skills from  the late, great Jack Temple way back in 2004. He was a ‘Master’ Dowser. The Healer and Medicine Man are two of his books

From the knowledge I gained from Jack, and also from an equal Master Dowser in Berkshire, Mike Abbot (who helped me restore my Under Active Thyroid without taking Thyroxin) I added my many years of previous experience of ‘Energy Work/Spiritual Awakening’. I am especially interested in how Emotions and Beliefs play a major role in our physical well being, and how clearing away non beneficial patterns/programmes allows our truth to be manifest, and our love to shine through.  It is very rare not to find a disturbance on an emotional or mental level relating to you health.


How could you benefit from Health & Wellbeing Dowsing?

  • Reduction or disappearance of existing symptoms
  • Reduction or alleviation of pain
  • Increased or more stable physical energy
  • Greater emotional strength and resilience
  • Improved absorption of nutrients and excretions of toxins
  • Improved mental abilities e.g. alertness, concentration, peace
  • Gaining a sense of wellbeing, inner strength, lightness and feeling good!
  • A greater awareness of yourself and how your energy system is structured and potentially restricted, and what can be done to make changes.
Health Dowsing recognises that each of our bodies are unique in its genetic make-up, conditioning, and vibrational rate.

We react internally and externally to the following:

  • Emotions
  • Thoughts/Beliefs
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Electromagnetic field
  • Chemicals
  • Pathogens – Parasites, Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses
  • Inherited illnesses/Ancestral Patterns
  • Food we eat/ Sleep/Oxygen/Light/Movement
  • Subtle energy residing in the home, e.g. Geopathic Stress
  • Our Multi-Dimensional Being

Any of these (and more) can be the underlying block, restriction, cause or contributory factor of ill health. It is obvious then, that each of us has a unique body, energetic structure and needs. The work of a dowser is to to identify the above factors relevant to you, and then give options as found, for what your whole multi-dimensional being would benefit from, for health and well-being and your highest evolution

How I Dowse?

Our body knows what the cause(s) of any presenting mind, body, heart/emotional situation is, but this knowledge is often not available to us consciously. I connect to your bodies information field throughout past, present and future (multi dimensionally), to seek answers to these situations and imbalances. Just like water dowsing can connect us with the vibrational frequency of underground water, health/wellbeing dowsing will connect us with the unique vibrational frequency of the body, mind, spirit and beyond, aiming to identify the areas where the frequency is out of balance, creating disease and negative symptoms, and aiming to reconnect you to your own healing ability and reconnect you to you. Each person and each situation is unique and I treat you as such. Dowsing aims to provide a precise and specific direction toward the causes and contributors of ill health and lack of wellbeing, and also specific direction toward better health and ways to feel good for you. An empowering process enabling you to be part of your restoration to health and wellbeing and creating a better way of being. We all have the ability to “tune in” to ourselves, yet sometimes we need a facilitator to support us along the way, and enable us to reconnect.

Progression through the Priority Areas

Finding the causes and contributing factors of your present situation. Your system will respond well to assistance that is respectful, gentle and appropriate, and will give information that is priority for you at this time, e.g. If you have digestive problems, it maybe that your liver needs assistance before your stomach, or an emotional trauma needs dealing with before the toxins/bacteria will release from your digestive system.

I ask your ‘Information Field’ for the priority area that needs support. Taking into consideration all body systems, organs, glands, meridian lines, energy centres, vitamins/minerals, allergies, life learnings, toxins, pathogens, emotions, beliefs, your environment, off planet energies and many other questions.

Priority Dowsing can also be used as Preventative Medicine. By having regular check ups, you are able to prevent something happening in the physical, that is only presently affecting you on an energetic level, or can be used to reduce the potential future effects.
e.g. You have visited the dentist, had local anesthetic, your body is unable to totally clear out the anesthetic, and gets stored in the lymph glands of your neck, 6 months later you start having a stiff neck, but don’t relate it back to your previous dental appointment. You could have prevented this by having a dowsing session after the dental appointment.

Many times however, the priority is not to clear or unblock anything, but to introduce a supportive/different energy to your system, that will remind you how to become balanced/harmonious/connected/authentic.

Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational Medicine recognises that there are many subtle forms of energy which contribute to the optimal working of cells in the body.

When dowsing has found the priority areas for change, I engage with these subtle energies to find out what would be the safest, optimal way to create change. We then work together, aiming to bring about these changes at a  physical/emotional/mental/soul level. Sometimes assisting you to take an “Inner journey” to find yourself and your energy, sometimes another alternative/complimentary therapy is more beneficial, or for you to change the food you eat or to add certain supplements/herbs, amino acids, tissue salts etc. I also use energies from our earth, including flower, tree, crystal, colour, homeopathic, sacred geometry and numbers.  I totally trust the intelligence of your system and our galaxy and beyond to provide guidance.

Every living thing has its own unique energy.


pendulum dowsing


Options for a dowsing session

As everyone is unique  I have put together several options and you can choose one or a combination or all of them at anyone time, and this will depend on the situation you are presently in.  I suggest we have a chat about what would suit you 

The sessions can be in person (South Shropshire, England) or via a video link and are generally an hour and half in time. I can also tune in remotely without you being involved, in which case I video record the session.  Depending on the session, will depend on the approach used.  Some sessions do not come with a written report, as you will be able to take notes throughout the session with me, however I can produce a report at an extra cost.

I offer payment options and concessions if needed.  Your health and wellbeing is most important.

1  Priorities – Investigative Dowsing is a way of exploring and asking your system using dowsing, to show in an order, what is priority for you to do, take away or add to your whole being, to enable a change to happen. I ask to be shown the causes and contributory factors to your present condition. Your system knows what is best to do first, second, third etc etc.  I suggest at least 3 of these sessions which can be between 2 and 4 weeks apart. Of course you might need more or less, and this is something we discuss as we go along.  It is a journey to wellness. In general there can be between 3 to 8 areas that your system can manage in one session and work with over a few weeks. This session can reveal things in any area/level of your being – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or environment        £60 

Vitamins/Mineral deficiencies, Food intolerances, Pathogens affecting your system (parasites, bacteria, fungus, virus) and Toxins affecting your system.  These can be dowsed for as a stand alone session if you would like a report on all these areas specific for you at a given time.  This will also include suggested remedies.  £35 – £60 depending on your needs

3  Emotional/Mental Dimension of your being ie belief patterns/emotions/thoughts that you have on an unconscious level, which maybe holding you back in life, or influencing your health and well being. This can be a stand alone session  £60

4  Whole Body Analysis (remembering this is not a medical diagnosis) This includes priority dowsing, vitamins/minerals, food intolerances, pathogens, toxins, priority areas in your emotional/mental fields, energy levels in body systems, organs and glands, If you would like to know what is happening on an energetic level, in more depth on a physical level, then I can dowse the energy levels of body systems, organs, glands, deficiencies of neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes, tissue salts and amino acids.  £250 for the report

5  Souls Journey Session/Coaching – involves considering the thoughts/emotions/past experiences and how they are negatively affecting your life now.  Aiming to change these energies which can be with dowsing or EFT/Matrix Reimprinting.  What is holding you back from experiencing life as your Natural Self, and what you can do to enhance your life. Where are you on your journey of remembering and awakening? Please look at my website for more information on how I work. £60 

How many sessions and the content of sessions is dependant on your presenting conditions and needs. Some concessions are available.   Always knowing that this is not a medical diagnosis. My hours vary in the week, Please contact me to discuss you. I look forward to supporting you.  I will accept payment in instalments if that supports you at this time