About Dowsing With Soul
About Lynn & Richard Osborne
We are passionate about inspiring and supporting others to Evolve, Remember, Awaken to their True Essence, to their True Source Connection. To Live Truth, without filters of the world in their way and choosing a better way to live.
We are experts in finding the unknown, asking questions, seeking out the unconscious, enabling choices, honouring others expertise
We understand what stress can do to the body, mind, energy system, soul; how trauma can hang around for years; how we unconsciously tap into the energies of other people around us and can be influenced by them.
We know that environmental toxins and the food we eat, the energies below our feet and around us at home, will affect our health and well-being. We know that memories from other times in this life and from other lives, can play unconscious programmes and patterns, which will block our ability to be our true Authentic Self – it is time to step out of these realities.

Lynn Osborne
I have been on a conscious path of Self Discovery for many many years, experiencing a variety of spiritual teachings, healing modalities, and therapies! I have trained in many disciplines which have given me a rounded view of mind, body, emotions, soul, multi-dimensional self and my connection to my true source. On my journey I have found that there isn’t ‘one thing that fixes all’, there is no ‘right path’, there are many ‘frames of reference’. I am always willing to expand my consciousness, and use my discernment to what resonates with me and what doesn’t, to allow/enable truth of me.
I know that if one person has been able to make a shift, then this sets a blueprint for others to do the same. My life is focused on Living my Authentic Self – knowing who I am at all levels of my being and my relationship with the source of my being. One thing that has always worked for me is finding the emotional, mental and behaviour patterns/memories that are running my present life circumstances. Knowing this gives me a choice to change, allowing the “Source of my Creation” to flow through me and happen As Me, enabling me to step out of the untruths. Over the years I have also accepted that there are things that don’t actually need to change, as they are not the ‘big issue’ which I thought they were , I LOVE WHO I AM, I AM LOVE, being grateful for all aspects of my Multi-Dimensional Being and focusing on the my true source connection.
Once I stopped comparing myself to others and found my own way, I had a clearer access to the “Grace of Life”, and the joy of being unique yet also part of a huge spiritual network of other unique souls on the same conscious adventure.
I have the ability to see and hear the patterns of your outside life that are being reflected from your inside world, to bring you the life you have. I can show you the unconscious patterns that are running. With this awareness you then have a choice. If you can come to South Shropshire we will do this process together, if you are unable to travel to me, I offer video sessions.
I’ve had the privilege to study with some amazing people, and know that my journey has enabled me to bring this all together in my unique package. Some of those I have met and studied with along the way, and been part of the team: Jack Temple, Eileen Watkins Seymour, Sandy Stevenson, Lita d’Alberdi, Andrea Hess, Don Harrison, Tom Kenyon, Institute of Heartmath, Dawn Clark, Sonia Choquette, Drunvalo Melchizedek Awakening the Illuminated Heart, Lisa Transendence Brown, Lynne McTaggart, Richard Rudd Gene Keys, Jaqueline-Fay Hobbs(Oracle Girl)
I am passionate about my work, and never cease to be amazed the healing ability of the human mind, body and soul. Life is always presenting us with new awarenesses and ways to investigate a problem, and insights into our ability to create life, and our ability to live as our true source.
I have always been interested in the environment and have over the past 20 years developed my healing abilities in relation to the earth. Much of my early experience came when I carried out a project to plot leylines around the City of Coventry. I am trained in the Bowen Technique, Reiki-Seichem 3rd level Master and have also trained in Spiritual Counselling, Inner Journeying and with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. I have run courses for people on Healing, attunements to Reiki-Seichem, Dowsing of Leylines and other features. I have also given numerous talks on Dowsing, Earth Energies and Healing. I am available to give talks, demonstrations and training and I can attune people to reiki seichem energies, earth energies, planetary and cosmic energies. I have developed specific healing techniques in response to the huge variety of energies commonly termed as Geopathic Stress.
I have also developed a specific healing technique called Energetic Restructuring, a technique using intuitive manipulation of the energetic structure of the body to reduce pain, relax and release physical holding patterns and encourage physical restructuring back to the natural blueprint of health.

Richard Osborne
We are all experts in life,
…and our expertise is in Radiating our Truth, Health Dowsing, Awareness of You, Soulful Coaching and Dowsing/Clearing Energies in the Home and Environment. We have the ability to locate, the blocks, restrictions and discordant energies, and we know that these can be changed, bringing you more aligned with your Infinite Self. We see you as an Energetic Being having a Human Experience, and we are here to support you to make the most of this experience. We facilitate you in finding your own answers